The April Clover Connection is now available. Please review for upcoming workshops and information for the 4-H Year.
4-H Dog Expo – Please plan to join us for the Statewide 4-H Dog Expo on Sunday, April 7 at The Ranch in Loveland. This event is open to all 4-H Dog Project members regardless of age or level. Hands-on workshops will cover Obedience, Rally and Showmanship. Classes will be offered on Dog Behavior, Careers with Dogs, Veterinary Care, Dog Show Class Progression and more! There will also be classes for parents/guardians. Members can attend with or without a dog. Please see the flyer attached. When: Sunday, April 7 Where: Larimer County Fairgrounds, The Ranch, 5280 Arena Circle, Loveland, Colorado Time: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Cost: $10 per member |
Front Range Regional Speech Contest – Have you learned something in 4-H that you have been looking to share? Show your stuff at the Front Range Regional Speech Contest April 13! More details and contest rules can be found at the link below. Cloverbuds are welcome to enter. |