Larimer County, CO

Author: piecesclub

Larimer County 4-H Program

February 2024 Clover Connection

February 1st is the deadline for returning members to join without a $50 late fee. March 1st is the enrollment deadline for new members, returning members with a late fee, and all project changes and any club transfers.

January 2024 Club Minutes

Sunday, January 14th @ 4pm at the McKee Bldg. What a great meeting with close to 100% attendance!

January 2024 Clover Connection

February 1st is the deadline for returning members to join without a $50 late fee. March 1st is the enrollment deadline for new members, returning members with a late fee, and all project changes and any club transfers.

December 23 Club Minutes

Sunday, December 3rd @ 4pm at the McKee Bldg. We had a great turnout for our Officer election meeting. Congrats to our new team of Lily, Allen, Heidi, Aynslee, Kai, Cooper, Leah & Carmen!

November 23 Club Minutes

Sunday, November 5th @ 1pm at the McKee Bldg. This was our annual awards banquet. We celebrated all our members and said goodbye to our senior members, Jude and Kammi.

November Clover Connection

The November Clover Connection is now available. Please review for Achievement Night, enrollment and information for the new 4-H Year.

October 23 Club Minutes

Sunday, October 8th @ 4pm at the McKee Bldg. This is the start of the new 4-H year. We welcomed 6 guests to our meeting and talked about field trips for the new year.

bits n pieces club awards

Club Awards Banquet

Our year-end club awards will be Sunday, Nov 5th @ 1pm in the McKee Bldg. All members and their families are invited.

October Clover Connection

The October Clover Connection is now available. Please review for upcoming workshops and information for the new 4-H Year.

September 23 Club Minutes

Minutes & images from the September 2023 club meeting