4-H Member Demonstrations
All members are required to present in front of the club. Senior members are encouraged to present first to show other members what can be accomplished. Your topic can be on anything that interests you, but it should be related to 4-H or your project. Team demonstrations are allowed, with both members having equal speaking time. We present our demonstrations at the May and June & July meetings. The county also holds a demonstration contest each year and qualified members can earn a trip to the state contest.
4-H State Speaking GuidelinesWatch past demonstrationsTIME LIMITS
3 min minimum – 5 min maximum
Should be divided into 3 sections: Tell me everything you are going to talk about; Now tell me specifics of each item; Now tell me a summary of what you just told me
No tri-fold boards if possible, poster boards are preferred. Slideshows/powerpoints are great. Making your demonstrations as interactive as possible will keep your audience engaged
Have your notes on notecards, but try to memorize your speech. Practice before you come to the meeting
Demonstration Photo Gallery
All members are required to give a demonstration. Everyone gets nervous when speaking in front of a group, but when you learn to present when you are 10-18 years old, public speaking becomes a skill that you will carry for a lifetime. 4-H encourages members to engage in public speaking and it is a requirement for record book completion.